This picture is of our super fun trip to temple square with the whole clan. #1 Boy's girlfriend came up for a visit during her spring break and we had a ton of fun. She is so sweet and so much fun! Sorry the picture is so tiny.
Well, life for the past month... hmmm... I'm not sure how to describe it. I don't get a lot of sleep mainly because of babies and staying up late with my teenager but I'm happy. I love having him here. I definately appreciate my parents more now. Homeschooling is going well but I'm starting to slack. I am just not the kind of person who is diciplined enough to make the kids do their work. It sounds way more fun to watch a movie or go to the store or go outside (outside counts as PE time). I think we will try to do public school again next year. I love homeschool but I am not doing well at actually teaching them anything. Plus it seems that because I am so focused on the two homeschoolers I don't spend as much time with the other kids. I usually just put them in front of a movie.
We are planning a family trip to ..... Disneyland!!!! I can't wait. We decided to not spend all of our tax return on debt so we could go. We will be staying at a beach house near San Diego and driving around to do alot of fun stuff like going to the san diego zoo, Disneyland and maybe even sea world. I can't wait to see the ocean!!!!
We are diving back in to adoption. #1 man and I both felt that we still need to look at Ghana Africa so that is where we will go to find our little girl. We have been planning on adopting since 2006 so it is about time we did something about it. Wish us luck!
We were able to attend the Sun Morning Session of General Conference with our teenager. It was awesome being there with so many people. He is investigating the church so any prayers for him would be appreciated.
#6 Boy is walking. Yikes!
Well I don't have anymore news not that what I wrote already isn't enough. Hee Hee. I hope you are all well and life is good. I look forward to catching up on everyone's blogs that I haven't read in a month ;)