We are going to live here for awhile I think. We need the space now. One room for school another for an extra person. Just a side note I have had to up our food budget again!! With all these people we eat so much! I have had to cook and clean like a feind in the evenings now instead of during the day. It's so crazy that I used to complain about cleaning when I had all day. I was just so lazy and I didn't even know it. Spaghetti, stroganoff, and roast with mashed potatoes have become weekly staples because I can cook a lot with little effort.
By the way it was my birthday on Sunday. I had a great day but I miss the big family parties I usually have. I miss being close to my families but there have been a few things recently that have made me think it is sure good that we are here. Boy #1 moving in for one. We have a great house with tons of space and he can be away from all the drama for awhile. My sweet sister can come here to visit her kids that live in SLC. That has been so fun for me and I hope for her too. I also think this job of #1 man's is teaching him so much. It's not always fun but he is definately learning how to deal with difficult people and circumstances.
Well I miss you all and hope to be able to visit soon. Have a stress free day and if you can send those stress free vibes my way. I need them!
I'm impressed with you doing home school. I feel like I have forgotten everything (math) I learned in highschool. I'm glad you are doing well and staying so optomistic during this busy time in your life.
Wow busy indeed! They say parenting is something you learn as you go, and as far as I can tell it's true! I think I am quite busy taking care of Craig and a 2 1/2 yr old. I really truly can't even fathom how one would take care of a houseful PLUS homeschooling. You are superwoman!
Sounds like you deserve a pat on the back...You are a great Mother, Step mom, Sister, Friend and the list goes on and on.
Life is a bit crazy and I sure that home schooling and bringing more people into your home adds a lot. I'm totally blown away with all you do. You are truly one a amazing gal!!!
Love you!!! You are doing good things!
You're totally SUPERMOM! You're amazing and I hope you know you're in my heart. ALWAYS!
I learned from this awesome friend of mine, (YOU) that as long as you have a clean sink nothing else matters...should I run down there and soft scrub it for ya? :) Hang in there, you're loved and amazing!
You will love homeschooling as you get into the swing of things. Find a good support group and don't stress too much! We've been doing it 5 years now and every year is better than the last!
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