Here's dinner last night. Funny face pizza.

Here are some goblin eyes.

Here are some spider cookies. Really easy and yummy.

This was dinner tonight. Chili cauldron with breadstick spiders. It was really good.

Conference was today and yesterday. We try to keep the kids busy and happy during conference. The rule is they have to be in the room and quiet. we made special conference folders last year, The kids love them. They are just binders with thier pictures on the front. I fill them with fun church related activities. I also get construction paper, markers, glue, scissiors, and our favorite pipe cleaners. The kids love to make glasses and bugs with the pipe cleaners. We also had some yummy treats :)

This is what I do to keep our two year old busy. He loves it. I think it's pretty fun too! If you missed conference I suggest one talk in particular. Jeffrey R. Holland gave his testimony of the Book of Mormon. It was the Sunday afternoon session. He was the first speaker. It was so neat to hear his powerful testimony. Of course all of conference was great. Hope everything is great with everyone out there. Hug your family!! Tell them you love them.
I agree! Elder Holland's testimony was the highlight of the session for me. But everything was sooo good it is hard to have a favorite. The food looks great! I made Boston Cream Pie cupcakes that were pretty wonderful! Miss you! And love you all!!!!
well, I can pick a favorite!! and I agree with you Julie, elder Holland's talk was amazing!!! I love his sweet spirit.. Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks!! yayayayayayay!!!!
Seriously, you have to the be FUNNEST Mom ever! I have to take cool lessons from you. I love the little yummy stuffs that you continue to make for Halloween. Love it.
Oh my goodness Julie your creative food ideas are soooooooo cute and fun! Did you come up with them on your own or are they from a book?
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