So I had a scentsy party thinking it would be a good way for me to meet more people in my ward. Only one person came and it was my relief society president. You would think I would be upset or feel put out but I have made a new friend of the consultant. She is way fun! I'm excited to finally meet someone here that I click with.
I have to share a great mommy moment. Last night Boy #4 who is 4 came into my room because he had a nightmare. He dreamed that a chair ate him! It was hard not to laugh because he was terrified. He wouldn't go back to sleep for two hours and tonight when it was time for bed he still was afraid that he would have another chair eating him dream. That must have been one vicious chair. It is still hard not to laugh.
So it is getting to that point again when I haven't had a good night's sleep in over three weeks. I start to get a little loopy. By good night's sleep I mean not waking up more than once in a night. Waking up once doesn't really phase me anymore. I'm pretty used to it. I hope it changes soon or I'll have to take the day off. Hee Hee :)
Have I told you how excited I am for Halloween.
6 days ago
1 comment:
Your little guy's nightmare story was actually pretty funny. My daughter had a dream about a lawyer, and now she things lawyers are evil. I don't even know where she even heard of the term lawyer, but she still is pretty freaked out about it. Kids are too funny. It is sad to think that these moments don't last very long. I hope things are well in Utah.
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