I'm feeling a little overworked. I really think it is because my kids get so much homework at their new school. It takes them at least an hour every day to get it done. I feel like I'm in high school again. They are only 7 and 8. What is the point of homework at that age anyway? Oh well.
A bit of happy news this community has so many activities coming up for the next couple of months. They have a community trunk or treat on the 24th of Oct. I'm so glad it's not on Halloween. I am excited to live in a real neighborhood again. My kids can actually go trick-or-treating for real! How Fun! Boy #2 wants to be the grim reaper ewww! Boy #3 doesn't know yet and boy#4 wants to be a green skeleton. I love Halloween.
6 days ago
That's so funny that you broke another string:) Maybe the cello is a little like the motorhome, and the strings get old when you don't use them enough (ha, ha!) I hear you on the homework! I used to think it was silly to give little kids homework. I still do. Oh well, I am in the minority I guess. You could take around a parent's petition to ban homework! Hope you are having fun anyway!
oooooh, I bet your hubby loves your new "G string"! ha Ha.....was that totally inappropriate? ;-)
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