We had such a great time this weekend. We went to Maddox for New Year's. The next day we went to temple square hoping to see the lights. No luck! We missed them by one night. Oh well. I love going to temple suare. The visitor's center is so neat with all the paintings and exibits. Dad got to see the Joseph Smith movie. He hadn't seen it yet. It's my favorite. We talked to some really cute sister missionaries. One was from Mongolia. We then had an adventure finding a place to eat on New Year's Day that wasn't closed. I wish the JSM building was open. Or the Lion House but alas we had to venture elsewhere to find food. Chillis is where we ended up after driving for awhile downtown. We were all still so full from our lunch at Floriberto's we didn't eat much. We mostly ate desert. Yumm!
The next day we ventured into Ogden to go to the Solomon Center. There we ate at Costa Vida while watching the indoor surfing. It was so funny to watch people try to surf for the first time. Most fall very hard. I guess I shouldn't laugh but it's really hard not to. Then we went upstairs to see the indoor skydiving. They put people in a huge wind tunnel and they can fly. It is so cool to watch. The instructor always does a little show at the end. That is the coolest part. Look it up and watch a video. It's called ifly. Then we went bowling at Fat Cat's. That was so fun but the kids were tired by about the sixth frame so we left early. To cheer them all up and get their sugar levels back up we went to Farr ice cream shop. So yummy and fun. It's a cute little old fachioned ice cream parlor. I love going there except that people come in waves. You can be sitting in a nice quiet parlor and then a rush of people come in all at once. Then it gets a little crazy. We got there during a little pocket of quiet.
Then we went home and rested up for a nice dinner in. We mad a wonderful rib roast. It was a little under cooked but still so good.
The next day we went to church ate lots of leftovers and then said goodbye to my sweet parents. It was so fun and great to see them. I was missing them a lot.
Well it's official we are moving probably by the first of February. Not sure where yet. We put an offer on a house that I love but we don't find out if we get it till tonight. People have been calling to come see this one though so I've had to start keeping it clean again. Yay! :( So easy with my crew. Acually it's not that bad. I am not excited about packing and moving again but I am looking forward to no longer being so tight with money. Well hope all is well in your lives. Have a memorable day!
I HATE money too. I hate that the world revolves around the stuff!!
Glad you had an enjoyable New Year's. Looked cold and fun!!
Wow, you did a lot of fun things. It is always so much fun when parents get to come and visit. Good luck with your move:)
I had fun too! I hope your snow melts and that you can get Spring coming really soon! I wish the same for me! Have a great day!
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