Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Trying to fly again.

So, a few years ago I tried to do How to rid your life of chaos. I miserably failed. I was not ready to change. I just wanted a quick fix to my chaos. I also found that the way they were doing it with all the cards didn't work for me. (too structured) So I am trying again. I have shined my sink and gotten dressed ready for action. Just doing that makes a huge difference in how much I get done every day. I am not doing any less work. I have found that expecting to not have to do as much with a magic routine isn't realistic. I am still tired and busy but I'm not stressed about whether my house is clean or not because it is cleaner than usual more consistently now. I had a friend show up for lunch without warning yesterday and I was fine. I had a clean kitchen and food to feed her. It was so much fun. If I was wallowing in my overwhelming mess just whining about it I would have been so stressed. I need to get habits in place to help remind me to keep up on the mess instead of ignoring it for a week and then catching up. Well have a good day and go shine your sink!


Simplymom said...

I'll be your fly buddy. I love flylady's system (when I do it) and knowing I can stop after a set amount of time.

singing/granny said...

Good for you! Your attitude sounds so positive. I will have to follow your exammple.

MKB said...

I tried fly lady and had the hardest time following it. I wish I was patient enough to do it cause I am sure it is a killer system.

Did you get your sink shined today?

Just Only Me said...

My sink isn't empty and cannot be shined! That's TOMORROW'S job. Or the next day or the next...

Just Only Me said...

P.S. You totally inspired me...I HAD to tell you that I scrubbed my sink and it's TOTALLY white and lemony-fresh.