This is a video of part of our Dance party. It was so much fun!
I don't know how it's possible but I didn't get any pictures of Thanksgiving. I guess I was a little busy catching up with all my family. I had so much fun at both family parties but I must say I was exhausted by the end of the weekend. These are some pictures I took of my grandparents with my mother in law. They came by just before we skipped town to give Boy #2 a hat and scarf. Barbara made them in two days. Thats impressive!
Doesn't he look cute. He loves them. If you look in the background you can see Shirley's decorations for Christmas. She is fast. They always put them up the day after Thanksgiving. They boys loved seeing them. Where she gets all her energy is a mystery. I can't keep up and I'm pretty energetic.
Per request I posted a picture of my completed bathroom. I wish I had taken a before picture so you could see how truly awful it was.
I hope all of you readers had a great holiday weekend and avoided the black Friday crowds. I need to go relax.