How do you like my new kitchen? I painted it green and put the lettering on the wall while my husband was at work
. I am pretty spontaneous. I didn't tell him I was going to do it. I didn't even know I was going to do it until I pulled out the paint and decided to go for it. Luckily it turned out really nice and my husband didn't mind. He's used to me doing crazy things like this. That's a part of me he knows well. Sometimes he comes home and all the furniture is moved around and I've switched bedrooms for the kids and he just smiles and says great. I always say this is so much better than we had it before. It always changes again about six months later. I love it that way. I hate things to stay the same. So boring. Try something new!! You may just like it.
6 days ago
Hey crazy lady, you should try facebook! Its so fun. I have been able to talk to so many people from high school. Its fun and MUCH easier then blogging!
Want to come do my kitchen next? It could use a makeover. I debate for weeks before I do anything "permanent" like paint. I do enjoy making DH rearrange furniture though. See you at Women's Conference!!!!
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