I love this time of year when there are no plans. I get so uptight with so much to do in December. I love waking up and knowing I can do whatever comes up during the day. I love to just wing it. I hate too many plans!
I don't know why but it is such a relief to put away the Christmas decorations. I love them at first but after awhile I just want them gone! It is so comforting to see my house put back togeather and clean.
We cleaned out our creepy basement yesterday and found some old He-man toys. Isn't that so cool? My kids of course are extatic about our discovery. I was really happy about getting the basement clean. We did come accross one little snag. There is an old water heater down there that we could not get out. Even with the truck helping us we just couldn't get it to work. It is still down there taunting me. I hate that water heater! My back hates it too.
We tried to go sledding this weekend. We got up and got the kids dressed, which took like three hours, and piled in the car. We decided to go to some "mountains" that are closer to us than the real mountains that would have ensured our success in finding snow. We drove around these foot hills and never found enough snow to really sled. We did find a road that had a thin layer of snow on it. Our attempt to sled down it was a complete failure. It was so funny though to watch the kids all bundled up trying to slide on a grassy rocky hill. They gave up on the sleds and started rolling down the hill about 15 minutes into our adventure. Instead of getting really annoyed we decided to hike up to the top of our "mountain". It was really fun sitting at the top with all the kids. All through lunch they talked about how they climbed to the top of a real mountain. We ate lunch at a great local restaurant complete with hot chocolate to top off the trip. We really did end up having a great time. So sometimes making mountains out of mole hills is a good thing (At least when you have four little boys counting on finding snow for their sleds it is). Maybe you will be smarter and go sledding where there is actually some snow on the ground. We will be taking another trip I'm sure very soon.