Wow what a whirlwind last couple of months! Sorry it took so long to post after our trip but I had to finish school for this semester so that I don't go on probation! Yikes! I finished it though so now I have a little time for fun! like posting our awesome trip. I took lots of pictures so sorry this page will take forever to load. First here are the girls on the way from the airport. Look how scared they are.

Here is Randy at the restaurant in the Congress hotel. Jet

Here are the girls eating fried rice and fried chicken. We had that almost every meal.

Yummy!! I got french fries. Very American.

We got swim suits for the girls the next day and went swimming in the pool at the hotel. Super fun! Nadia loved this water bottle. She carried it around and poured water from the bottle into the lid and drank it like a little cup. So cute!

We went and got Josephine's hair done the next day at the mall. She wanted a ponytail.

She is so patient. She just sat there there whole time.

Nadia and I walked around the mall. She was not happy to be separated from her sis.

After we swam we were so tired.

Nadia witht he bottle again.

Here we are waiting at the passport office.

This is at another hotel we went to.

This family was trying to adopt a little girl named Mary. Mary didn't want to be adopted. They took her back to her family. It was really hard on the people who wanted to adopt her.

More waiting at the birth records office.

Josephine took my camera and was taking pictures.

This is the restaurant at the Airside Hotel. Wow they have good food.
This is at the Waggs hotel. We were playing catch in the room with a soccer ball. Hee Hee!

More pictures by Josephine.

This is the view outside our balcony.

The other way still on the balcony.

So cute!

This is from left to right Nadia's mother, Nadia, Me, Randy, Josephine, and Josephine's Aunt who is also the foster mother. This is at the foster home.

This little guy is only two weeks old. He doesn't have a name yet. The father hadn't decided if he wanted to claim him or not so they can't do the naming ceremony until that is decided. He was so sweet. I couldn't imagine ging birth and raising a baby in that environment.
Well that's all the pictures but I have posted all the videos too on youtube. just type in juliepuckett into the search bar and they will all show up. There are videos from our last trip too so look for new ones.
We are so excited to bring our girls home. I think it will be sometime in June or July. It all depends on paperwork. Yuck!
All the boys are doing great. We are almost done with the birthday rush. Just one more in a couple weeks. Our 11th anniversary is this month. It sure goes by fast!
I'll probably post a few catch up posts if I have time about all the other stuff we've been doing. Yes there is more to my life than the adoption. Although it sometimes doesn't seem like it, It is a bit consuming.
Hi julie!!It's me Ellie x_o hehe...
MUSTACHES!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha
Loved the pictures! I hope things speed up on the adoption! Although life already seems like it is on warp speed here. Love you!!! Mom
Oh my heck. Where have I been? I have no idea that you guys have been going through all of your many adventures over the last several months! I am so tickled for you and pray that things continue to run smoothly and the adoption is offical this summer. HOW FREAKING EXCITING!!!! I've had goosebumps the entire last several posts and I'm so tickled for you guys, how lucky your girls are to have you. Keep us posted! I'm going to be better about checking on you.
P.S. Thanks for your note on my blog, with all that's going on in your world, you thought of me? You are wonderful. Absolutely wonderful! And I miss you back.
Yeah!!! The whole adoption process is so hard with all the waiting and ups and downs and unknowns. Then once you get them here you have the transition process as they adjust to a whole new world. I hope yours goes smoothly, but if you ever need to vent (during the process or after you get them here). It's something that is hard to understand unless you've been there.
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