Hey all. I am enjoying a very quiet house today. All therse cute boys are now in school. I can't believe it. To top it off baby is taking a nap. Most days it is just me and boy #5 and boy #6. Weird!!!!! I need a little quiet though so I will enjoy it until next week then I will probably be sick of it and need to go do something fun!

Boy #1 is now 18!!!! This is him at about 10. I can't believe it. We had a big party for him in Boise over the weekend. It was a total blast. We rented one of those big inflatable waterslides. It was 18 feet high. So much fun! His girlfriend has found a new place to live so she is moving out this week if she can find the time between the two jobs that she is working. Did I mention that she has been staying with us trying to move closer? She graduated and wants to stay close to her love. She is doing very well for herself. I'm sad she won't be here to hang out with me when everyone else is off doing other things but oh well this is good for her and good for #1 man's sanity.