Don't I live in the most beautiful place?
My two older boys began wrestling for a league this week. It is something they are suprisingly good at already. They have had a lot of practice. They had their first meet today and they both did very well. although they are only 5 and 6 I am already thinking this could be a good way to get scholarships later. Not bad. They both got medals today for participating. In the future they will need to win their matches to get medals. They are all of a sudden very motivated to win. I should have bought medals at Zurchers a long time ago. Maybe I would've been able to get them to clean their room. Oh well.
My Grandpa's birthday party was today and I got to go for a little while. I didn't stay because of the above wrestling match. I love going to family parties. I love to see everyone and just have some time to smile and talk. We used to have parties about once every two weeks it seemed about 8 years ago but it has been a lot less often as all our own families have been getting bigger. I really miss being a kid at my Grandma P's house and smelling the wonderful smell of Christmas dinner coming from her kitchen. I have made turkey dinner plenty of times since but I've never been able to reproduce that smell. I also loved being at my Grandpa W's cabin and sitting on the floor playing marbles. Their T.V. did not get the clearest picture. I never would've learned to play marbles if they had a better one. I'm grateful it didn't work well.
After the party ad wrestling we went to the temple store and I bought my first temple dress. It is gorgeous. I'm so excited to go to the temple and wear it. Yeah!! I also got a temple bag. I've never had one. It's always fun to get new things.
We decided to go out to dinner to celebrate the boys first match. We went to Golden Corral. I'm still full four hours later. Yikes the food never ends there. The kids loved it but The 6 year old ate too much Ice cream and was sick all the way home. When we got home we practiced wrestling and watched Princess Bride to balance out the hormones.
I had a great day. I hope tomorrow will be just as fun.