Suprise suprise! Guess what happened the night we moved in? Any guesses? Come on. OK I'll tell you. Cleo had puppies. Aren't they cute? Still haven't unpacked because I have tonsilitus. Yeah so just to catch everyone up. Puppies the night we move in and tonsilitus. My life truely was ment to be lived by more than one person.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Fat Cats and more Fun!
Running in the rain makes you feel alive! Try it you'll see.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Time for an update
And of course we combat the forces of evil!!! What else would we do?
Doesn't that picture look like we're squatters. So sad. Oh Well one more week.
We are all happy and healthy. #1 Man is loving being a manager again. He really missed it. His branch is in a really cool old building. I'll have to take pictures of it. His office is nice. It's a little bare. He needs to put up some pictures and trinkets and stuff. Maybe some plants would help. I am doing school online and I've already passed three pre-assessments which means I get credits for doing nothing but taking tests. It's great with my crazy schedule. I think we have explored most of the parks but I'm sure there are still some we don't know about yet. Our ward is nice. It has a good mix of all ages which is always better I think.
Well I hope everyone is doing well. Please leave a comment so I can feel like I've talked to you. See you soon.