OK time to update everyone on our crazy past two weeks. First Man #1 got a job in Brigham City UT. Yeah! I love Brigham City. Next we decide to go there and find a house. Mission accomplished. Next we decide to go down togeather instead of me staying behind until the house is ready. We find a month to month appartment. YEAH! Rush rush rush to pack the house and put our stuff in storage. Crazy mad dash. Now we are here.
Our little two bedroom appartment is a little cramped with all seven of us. Boy #1 lives with his mom so he doesn't get to share in the joys of appartment living. We have three boys in one room, one in the huge pantry and the rest of us in our room. It actually works pretty well. We don't have any furniture so we don't need a lot of space right now. We will be moving into our awesome house on June 10th. Needless to say I can't wait.
I am pretty bored because I don't have to do much here in the appartment and I don't know anyone here yet. There are so many parks here that we have been exploring one a day. Our favorite so far is Perry Park. It has huge trees and lots of shade. It also has an awesome new playground. Our realtor is letting me borrow her daughter's college dishes so I got to make a yummy dinner last night. I'm so tired of microwave food.
I'll try to post more often since we are so far away now. Have a great day!