Let me tell you about what we have been up to lately.

Man #1 has had two interviews and it looks promising that one of them will stick. We found a house that just got put on short sale so if we get it it would be one heck of a deal! It is five bedrooms three bathrooms, 2500 square feet with a huge backyard. I even has a little playhouse in the back. If the bank accepts our offer we would get it for 160,000. The owners first listed the house for 267,000. I really hope we get it. It just means we of course will be moving again.
We put the house we just moved into a month ago up for sale and have had someone interested in it already. I guess when God wants you to do something he will make the path clear in front of you. If we don't sell it we will just rent it again and own three houses. Scary!

Man #1 also just got in a car accident so we aren't selling the other car we have anymore because his car is totaled. He is very lucky it wasn't worse than it was. An older lady came out from a side street and plowed into him because she hit her gas intead of her brake. Both his airbags deployed and his window was smashed out. The front of it is pretty crunched. He missed a pole by about three inches. It took out his side mirror. She wasn't hurt as far as we know. We luckily got back the money we just put into that car because we had a reciept for the work that was just done to it. Man #1's back is completly out and he has been bedridden for about a week. He has been going to a chiropractor for the last four days and it seems to be helping. He was determined to get some work done this week so he decided to go to work today for a few hours even though I very much tried to talk him out of it. He is still in a lot of pain.
I am still huge and getting bigger every day. I think the baby may have finally dropped because I can breathe today. I still have two months to go. I am a bit nervous about the timing of this move, but I have faith that if we do what the lord wants we will be blessed.
I hope you are all staying close to the spirit in this crazy world. Study your scriptures and really pray sincerely. So many I know have decided that these things just don't matter any more. Before all else we should put the relationship we have with the Savior. The only way to spend time with him is to pray and read the scriptures. I hope all is well with you all. See you next month.