Well, we moved into the rental. The first week has been quite the adjustment. Going from a four bedroom 2000 square foot house to a three bedroom 1600 square foot Manufactured house definitely takes some getting used to.
We have decided that this will be more temporary than we had previously thought. A new baby will be just what splits the seams in this house.
The house itself is great overall. The size makes it a whole lot easier to keep clean and we have ironed out the few kinks that we're keeping the smallest of our clan from sleeping.
Mainly putting the T.V. in the front room away from his door. The water is not good so we bought an industrial strength filter. The water from that is so good!
I am almost done getting the old house ready for our renters. They will be here tomorrow or Thursday. Our dogs are happier with a fence and a dog house. We also inherited a chicken from our last renters. It lays eggs but we need to contain it to find them. The boys are planning to build a tree house when things calm down and Man #1 has decited to take a break from school until January. Thank goodness!!! I was starting to feel like a single mom.
Moving here has taught me that we really don't need that coveted 5,000 square foot mansion in the fanciest neighborhood. I like my little house in the country and it suits our needs just fine. We will look back at our time here and miss it a whole lot when we move again wich will probably be next year so I'll keep you posted.
The unborn one is getting bigger and I still have three months left. Some of my maternity clothes don't even fit. Better to have a big healthy baby though so I will try not to complain.
Even through the move we did manage to go trick or treating but I forgot to take pictures Oh Well I can't do it all.