Monday, November 30, 2009


I thought I would post some pictures of sis's visit. This is Breakfast. Yummy!!!!

This is a video of part of our Dance party. It was so much fun!

I don't know how it's possible but I didn't get any pictures of Thanksgiving. I guess I was a little busy catching up with all my family. I had so much fun at both family parties but I must say I was exhausted by the end of the weekend. These are some pictures I took of my grandparents with my mother in law. They came by just before we skipped town to give Boy #2 a hat and scarf. Barbara made them in two days. Thats impressive!

Doesn't he look cute. He loves them. If you look in the background you can see Shirley's decorations for Christmas. She is fast. They always put them up the day after Thanksgiving. They boys loved seeing them. Where she gets all her energy is a mystery. I can't keep up and I'm pretty energetic. Per request I posted a picture of my completed bathroom. I wish I had taken a before picture so you could see how truly awful it was.

I hope all of you readers had a great holiday weekend and avoided the black Friday crowds. I need to go relax.

Friday, November 20, 2009

So Tired... Can't ...zzzzzzz

I finally got up only once last night. I'm still so tired but I think it might take a day to feel it right? I painted the frog bathroom today. It was green splotchy ugly and not clean around the edges. I just painted it the same brown as most of the house. Huge improvement I must say.
Sis is coming over tonight. I'm excited to see her. We haven't really hung out in a while. It is supposed to snow tomorrow so we should have lots to do. Well I'll try to get some pictures of what we are doing for next time. Hope all is well.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

OK so this is real snow

All the other snow was just wimpy. The ground was bare this morning. Now we have at least four inches of snow! It's only 4:30 and It's still snowing. The kids were sledding on the hill behind our house. They had so much fun!
I'm singing the Alto solos for the Messiah here in Brigham. I went to play the cello at our local orchestra and discovered that I sing better than I play. I already knew that. Actually they were desperate for an alto to sing to two arias Oh thou that telest good tidings to Zion and He will feed his flock like a shepherd so I voluntered. Now I don't have to learn those two songs on the cello. YAY! If anyone wants to come it's on the 10th. Its a Thursday, at the brigham city tabernacle. I'm excited. I hope you are all well.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Trying to fly again.

So, a few years ago I tried to do How to rid your life of chaos. I miserably failed. I was not ready to change. I just wanted a quick fix to my chaos. I also found that the way they were doing it with all the cards didn't work for me. (too structured) So I am trying again. I have shined my sink and gotten dressed ready for action. Just doing that makes a huge difference in how much I get done every day. I am not doing any less work. I have found that expecting to not have to do as much with a magic routine isn't realistic. I am still tired and busy but I'm not stressed about whether my house is clean or not because it is cleaner than usual more consistently now. I had a friend show up for lunch without warning yesterday and I was fine. I had a clean kitchen and food to feed her. It was so much fun. If I was wallowing in my overwhelming mess just whining about it I would have been so stressed. I need to get habits in place to help remind me to keep up on the mess instead of ignoring it for a week and then catching up. Well have a good day and go shine your sink!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Missing the ocean

Sometimes I just need to look at it. I really don't know what it is about the ocean but I love it. I could live on the water. Maybe someday I will.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Call me Crazy... Everyone Else Does!

So I guess I'm still not busy enough. #1 man and I have been feeling like we need to do foster care lately. In UT it takes about three months to qualify so I would be able to get things ready before we would actually have more children in our home. I don't know why this is something we need to do. I am terrified. My parents did foster care for about six years while I was growing up and I remember how hard it was. The children need lots of extra care and love and they are challenging to dicipline because of many instances of abuse and neglect. They can have physical problems because of parent's drug or alchohol use during pregnancy and because of physical abuse in early development. In UT they also expect that if a child needs a permanent home you will become the adoptive parents for those children already in your home so they are very careful about placement. The police do their recording of the case in a seperate place so you don't have to be present when they document the abuse so that will be good. I always hated that process. The compensation is better than Idaho so I think money wise we'll be fine and if we have a child under the age of five which we probably will they qualify for WIC so that will also help. In order to qualify I have to take 32 hours of in class training. I'm glad because I don't think my parents had to do those classes until later. Hopefully they will help.
Well I am sure I will need lots of encouraging words as this is a very daunting idea. I have no idea how we will juggle it all but I know that it is what the Lord wants for our family.

I can do hard things with the Lord's help!

And with all of yours as well. Pray for me. I'll need it!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Here was Halloween!

So, first of all we had carved pumpkins about a week and a half ago and... They melted so...
We did some more. They were just as cute as the first even though we rushed through the process the second time around.
Here is the big day! We went to the trunk-or-treat first and took pictures. I never get good Halloween pictures because I always forget to take them before it gets dark. I like this one. Boy #2 likes being a vampire can you tell? They all liked their costumes this year for the most part. I did try ro paint boy #3's face for him but after two attempts, and him still not satisfied, I made him wear the mask. They got a ridiculous amount of candy again which the Halloween fairy took care of right away. Thanks to whoever told me about that idea. I let them each pick out their 20 most favorite pieces of candy and then the rest goes into one big bag for all to share.
This picture turned out really fuzzy but I only took this one, the rest are videos. Our good friends came over for family night and we had doughnut races. Way fun!!! Hope you are having a great day!